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Research Goals

Our goal is to develop new knowledge regarding the roles of the immune system in health and disease. We further aim to translate this knowledge into novel immunotherapies.

Our laboratory is interested in “Type 2 immunity” in health and disease. Type 2 immunity occurs during allergic diseases or infection with helminth parasites. Nonetheless, emerging data highlight new roles for Type 2 immune responses in metabolism, tissue regeneration and cancer.

We aim to define the roles of type 2 immune responses in chronic inflammation and the tumor microenvironment and to translate these findings into novel immunotherapies.

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What's New

Our New paper regarding the effects of the Pfizer vaccine of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Israel has just been accepted to Cell Reports Medicine.
Stay Tuned!

Our new study just published online!
Rapid seroconversion and persistent functional IgG antibodies in severe COVID-19 patients correlates with an IL-12p70 and IL-33 signature. Scientific Reports. 2021.;11(1):3461. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-83019-0

Join us for the next International Eosinophil Society Webinar on April 28th!
Topic: Eosinophils and Airways

ariel munitz lab

Research Programs 

Our research program combines state-of-the art approaches including in vivo and in vitro studies, genomics proteomics, molecular biology and imaging.

Read more about our projects

WhatsApp Image 2019-04-07 at

About our team

We believe that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. We are a highly motivated and collaborative group that is passionate about research!

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פרופ' אריאל מוניץ: "דלקת: המלחמה האמיתית בממלכת ווסטרוז"
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פרופסור אריאל מוניץ
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Ariel Munitz, Sackler Medical School of the Tel-Aviv University
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aAriel Munitz, אריאל מוניץ

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